Ladies and gentleman of the Judgement,

I still don't think you understand. What happened here was a crime. Not an accident.

Consider all the souls on basic Earth: All the villians worth killing. All the evil doers that walk freely. All the wretched and the damned, who amount to nothing but sickness. They roam the earth today. But her? She no longer walks. She no longer is.

He could have taken anyone else, and No One would have thought twice about it!! He could have taken someone who the people wanted to die. He knows there are so many. And yet, today they are somber.

So, let us ask the question: why? Why did He decide to take her? He takes all the time, that much is for certain, but he could have taken so many others. Yet He chose her. She, for some "reason" (so He claims,) needed to disappear that night.
He, our Lord, the all knowing and all powerful, the king of kings, the priest of priests, the leader of leaders, alpha and omega, beginning and end!!! He saw fit to take her? He saw fit to place her foot exactly on open air?


Can He really be so wise, so just, so fair, and so, so good, when He does such awful things? When He allows such evil to exist and takes such good away from us? How can we look Him in the eye? How can we call Him "God?"

He claims to have a reason. He claims to work in mysterious ways. Yet today, citizens of universe, we bring this case before you.

It is our provocation that He is no god, but rather is the Devil. Indech. Satan, as he may be known. We will show, thru careful analysis and theological fact that what happened here was not motivated by reason, benevalence, or any sort of justice. We argue that the Shepard has forsaken his sheep. He does not want them to prosper.
He wants them to suffer. This tragedy serves as merely one small morsel of our argument, but demonstrates His disregard for order perfectly: He killed her, and there is no reason why.

Your honor, let the record show:
the victim was literally just a girl.